1009x464 - Sadly, you'll be coming across and questioning each and every one of them for quite some time before you're able to open them from the start of your second playthrough when they must.
Original Resolution: 1009x464
Nier Automata Locked Chest Locations Gamewatcher Locked chests are special chests in nier:
600x752 - Automata is chock full of hidden secrets, references tucked away in the far corners of forgotten worlds you can see how to reach the elevator thanks to the video walkthrough provided by youtuber shirrako.
Original Resolution: 600x752
Nier Automata Ps4 Playstation 4 Game Profile News Reviews Videos Screenshots How to use this cheat table?
3000x4000 - 30 apr, 2017 @ 5:33am.
Original Resolution: 3000x4000
Finally Got The Game Any Tips For Overall Experience Nier Automata, you've probably come across a multitude of seemingly inaccessible boxes and doors no matter how far into the game you are.